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Tokyo Midtown Clinic has been accredited by JCI

Tokyo Midtown Clinic has been accredited by JCI Tokyo Midtown Clinic and Tokyo Midtown Skin/Aesthetic Clinic Noage have been accredited by Joint Commission International (Ambulatory Care Program).This time, after undergoing a survey for renewal, the accreditation was updated as of January 20th, 2024. JCI is the international arm of The Joint Commission, the leading health care accreditor in the United States. JCI has been providing training, consultation, international accreditation, and certification to medical facilities around the world since 1994, aiming at continual improvement on quality of care and patient safety . In August 2005, the World Health Organization (WHO) designated JCI and The Joint Commission as the world's first and only WHO Collaborating Centre dedicated solely to patient safety. JCI survey(Ambulatory Care) evaluates medical care based on strict standards that consists of 15 chapters and approx. 600 measurable elements . JCI accreditation serves as an index that the medical facility meets the international standards on "patient safety" and " quality of care". Accredited facilities include: Tokyo Midtown Clinic ・Outpatient Service Department ・Health Screening Clinic / Executive Health Clinic ・Tokyo Midtown Executive Medical Service Department Tokyo Midtown Skin/Aesthetic Clinic Noage

Announcement: Grand Reopening of our Health Screening Center on Monday, May 27th, 2024

Thank you for continually choosing our clinic for your medical check-ups and health screenings. Since our inception, our facility has been providing quick and comprehensive health screenings in the sophisticated setting of Midtown. We are pleased to announce a grand reopening, having upgraded our facilities to enhance the comfort and health environment even further. Facility Updates: Floor Layout Spaces thoughtfully designed for relaxation during your visit. Dressing Rooms (Women) The dressing rooms have been expanded, and a new powder room has been installed. Enhanced Equipment ・Additional ultrasound rooms have been added. ・Increased number of blood draw stations. ・A new dressing room for LGBT patients has been established. Waiting Area A health screening environment focused on privacy. table { width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; } td { padding: 12px; text-align: left; border: 1px solid #ddd; } .col1 { background-color: #f0e8d5!important; /* 薄いベージュ色 */ } .col2 { background-color: #F3F7F7!important; /* より薄いベージュ色 */padding: 2% 0 2% 2% !important; } tr:hover { background-color: #f1f1f1; } We remain committed to creating a clinic that prioritizes our patients' needs. Thank you for your continued support.

To Patients Under Treatment for Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, or Diabetes

Starting from June 1, 2024, following the revision of medical service fees, we will transition from the previously calculated "Specified Disease Treatment Management Fee" to the "Lifestyle Disease Management Fee" for outpatients primarily being treated for lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. For patients visiting our clinic for the treatment of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, or diabetes, our physicians will create a "Lifestyle Disease Treatment Plan" tailored to each individual. This plan will include personalized goals and guidance to achieve better treatment outcomes. In preparing this "Lifestyle Disease Treatment Plan," you will be required to complete a specialized questionnaire and provide your signature. We kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation.

Apology and notice to those who could not submit the "Change Reservation Request Form" for Health Screening / Medical Checkup.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the temporary failure of the "Change Reservation Request Form" for Health Screening / Medical Checkup to complete. The problem has now been resolved. We apologize for the inconvenience to all users of this form. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused.

[Important] Health Screening Center will be temporarily closed from Monday, April 1st, to Sunday, May 26th for renovation.

Tokyo Midtown Clinic Health Screening Center will undergo renovations to create a more comfortable space and environment for medical checkups. In conjunction with the renovation work, the Health Screening Center will be closed from Monday, April 1st, to Sunday, May 26th, 2024. It will reopen on Monday, May 27th. During this period, we will not be able to accept appointments for medical checkups. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding. Tokyo Midtown Clinic Executive Health Center (Health Screening), Nihonbashi Muromachi Mitsui Tower Midtown Clinic, and Dock Checkup Center will remain open as usual. We will resume accepting appointments as usual starting Monday, May 27th. ul.reference{box-sizing:border-box;padding-left:1rem;} ul.reference li,ul.reference li:before{list-style:disc; list-style-position:outside; background:none} ul.reference li{list-style:none} /*-- 擬似要素リファレンスのリストスタイル --*/ ul.reference{list-style-type:none!important} ul.reference li:before{content:'※'; margin-left:-1.0em}

Notice of New Optional Tests and Fee Adjustments Effective April 1st, 2024, for Health Screenings

Thank you very much for using our physical and health checkup services. We are pleased to announce that starting Monday, April 1st, 2024 we will be introducing "New optional tests" that can be added to Health Screening/Medical Checkup, as well as revising some examination fees. ■Newly introduced optional tests ・Bone Health Screening ・Zinc ・EPA/AA Ratio ・Thyroid Function & Autoantibody Test ・Comprehensive Thyroid Screening ■Menu Details and Fees For details of the menu and revised fees, please refer to the list of optional tests below. >>For exams up to March 31st, 2024: Optional test list (PDF: 798KB)--> >>For exams starting April 1st, 2024: Optional test list (PDF: 4.08MB) *The revised examination fees will be applied based on the actual examination date. Even if you made a reservation before the revision date (before March 31st, 2024) for an examination after April 1st, or if you change your reservation before the revision date to after April 1st, the revised fees will apply. We kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation.

For Supplement Purchasers. About the Shopping Bag Charge

At the "Healthcare Shop TMMC Plus" located on the same floor, we will no longer provide shopping bags free of charge, from February 1, 2024(Thu). Therefore, we would like to inform all customers who purchase supplements from this store at our clinic that if you wish to receive a shopping bag, you will have to pay for it. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

2024(fiscal year) Health Insurance Union Subsidy Course

■ Reservation for checkups and health screenings subsidized by the health insurance association Starting Friday, February 16th 9 a.m. ■ Kyokai Kenpo (Japan Health Insurance Association) reservation Starting Friday, March 1st 9 a.m. [Reservations and Inquiries] *Tel : Weekdays 9: 00 a.m. ~ 5: 00 p.m. [Roppongi] Tokyo Midtown Clinic Tel.03-5413-0081 [Nihonbashi]Nihonbashi Muromachi Mitsui Tower Midtown Clinic Tel.03-3231-2068 [The inquiry form for both Roppongi and Nihonbashi] *Go to the page for exclusive use. .pL10{padding-left: 1em !important;} .mB10{margin-bottom: 1em !important;} .mB20{margin-bottom: 2em !important;} .bold{font-weight: bold; !important}{border: 1px dotted; padding: 1em; width: 80%;}

1/17-1/19 Information & Request on JCI Examination

Please be informed that a JCI (Joint Commission International) surveyor will be visiting us from Wednesday, January 17, 2024 to Friday, January 19, 2024. The surveyor will not observe your consultation/check-up without your permission, but there may be an occasion in which our doctors, nurses, or medical staffs will ask you for a short interview for the survey. Your understanding and cooperation will be highly appreciated.

Flu vaccine appointments

Online reservations for this season's (October ~ March 2023) flu shot appointments have ended as of November 30th. Outpatient vaccinations will be discontinued as soon as our supply runs out. Please call the clinic for inquiries regarding vaccine availability. This year's Influenza vaccine has started (OCT 2023 - MAR 2024). >>2020/10/9 The availability of influenza vaccine--> Vaccinations are expected to not only prevent influenza infection, but also to prevent serious illness and lessen symptoms in the event of infection. Please consider vaccination as a countermeasure against influenza. We will be accepting appointments from 9:00 AM on September 21th, and starting vaccination from October 10th. The reservation must be reserved on the internet. Please reserve from our clinic's website. Reservation page is currently being prepared. We were accepting appointments from 9:00 AM on September 21th, and will be starting vaccination from October 10th. The reservation must be reserved on the internet. Please reserve from our clinic's website. INTERNET RESERVATION LINK> *We will be accepting appointments for flu shots between Oct. 10th to Oct. 30th on Sep. 21st.*Starting from Oct 10th at 9:00 AM every day, the slot for the date 30days ahead will be available to accept appointments.*Vaccination days are on

[Apology/Restored] Notice of Telephone Communication Breakdown

Due to a telephone communication failure, we had been experiencing difficulty in connecting to our clinic from about 8:30 a.m. on November 20 (Mon.), but the situation was restored at 0:01 p.m. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and trouble this may have caused.

[Important]Closed during summer

【Outpatient】 *Priority will be given to patients with appointments. August 11 (Fri/National holiday) - August 15 (Tue) : Closed About appointment 【Health Screening Center】 *Please make an appointment in advance. August 11 (Fri/National holiday) - August 15 (Tue) : Closed. About appointment 【Annual Checkup Center】 *Please make an appointment in advance. August 11 (Fri/National holiday) - August 15 (Tue) : Closed About appointment 【Call Center】 August 11 (Fri/National holiday) - August 15 (Tue) : Closed 【The Health Screening Center for Executive】 August 11 (Fri/National holiday) :Closed August 14 (Mon) - August 15 (Tue) : Closed 【Others】 ■ Tokyo Midtown Aesthetic Clinic Noage >Closed during the Obon holidays ■ Tokyo Midtown Dental ClinicOpen on Obon holidays as usual.

[Important] - COVID-19 Preventive Measures - Request to all visitors please review before your appointment

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[Important] Notice for online consultation/telephone consultation

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Notification of opening a new appointment slots for orthopedic department on Tuesdays between 9:00am to 1:00 pm

Starting from April 4th, 2023, the orthopedic department will also open on Tuesdays.Additional consultation hours: Every Tuesdays 9:00 am ~ 1:00 pm (Reservations only)Orthopedist, Hiroko Sakamoto MD will be attending on Tuesdays. The orthopedic department will now be available on both Tuesdays and Thursdays Before reservation, please confirm the consultation schedules in advance. To check consultation schedules, click here>>

Prevention of new coronavirus infections

.border-area01 { padding: 20px 10px 0; border: solid 1px #3479c4; } ol, li { font-size: 12px; } #contents #cont_main #main p { font-size: 12px; } At Midtown Clinic, we are taking thorough safety measures against a new coronavirus infection so that everyone can visit with peace of mind. Below is an overview of our safety measures. ◆Within the facilities ・Check system at the clinic entranceAll customers will be asked to check their physical condition using the "Questionnaire about new coronavirus infection", measure their body temperature, and disinfect their hands by themselves. ・Disinfection of door knobs, handrails, elevator buttons, etc. by alcohol in the reception area, dressing rooms, examination rooms (including medical exam equipment), and consultation rooms (desks and chairs) every time after use ・Opening the door of the entrance to the facility and installing an air cleaner and a humidifier ・Nurses and laboratory technicians wearing gloves, goggles, face shields, gowns, and foot covers when droplet infection is assumed ・Installation of acrylic boards to prevent droplet infection at reception ・Ensure a minimum distance of 1m from the customer as much as possible We conduct upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (gastroscope) with thoroughly following the points below. ・To check physical condition before performing

Announcement of the start of appointments for health screening / medical checkup fiscal year 2023

[2023(fiscal year) Health Insurance Union Subsidy Course] ■Reservation for checkups and health screenings subsidized by the health insurance association Starting Thursday, February 16th 9 a.m. ■Kyokai Kenpo (Japan Health Insurance Association) reservation Starting Wednesday, March 1st 9 a.m. Reservations and Inquiries Telephone : weekdays 9: 00 ~ 17: 00 Roppongi: Tokyo Midtown Clinic Tel. 03-5413-0081 Nihonbashi: Nihonbashi Muromachi Mitsui Tower Midtown Clinic Tel. 03-3231-2068 The inquiry form for both Roppongi and Nihonbashi is here. .mB30 { margin-bottom: 30px!important; }

[Important] Notice of suspension of ophthalmology clinic service and eye checkups from September

From September 2022, due to changes in our clinic's schedule, for the time being, we will suspend ophthalmology clinic service and eye checkups. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We kindly ask for your understanding. *For any future notices, we will update the website accordingly upon any changes.

[Important] Notice that the online diagnostic results system has resumed

Thank you for your visiting our clinic and your continuous support. The online diagnostic results of the annual checkups and comprehensive health screening of our clinic group (Tokyo Midtown Clinic, Nihonbashi Muromachi Mitsui Tower Midtown Clinic) was temporarily unavailable to view. The Security Department of a third party web performance company did a vulnerability test in which our system's safety has been confirmed. Therefore, we have resumed our online diagnostic results system. 1.Final report *As of Aug 1, 2022 ●Event Vulnerability was found in which an annual checkup or comprehensive screening client may access another client's results in certain conditions after logging in. ●Number of access Total of 13 accesses by 2 checkup clients *No viewing with a fraudulent purpose has been confirmed. ●Duration that access was available. Since the service started in July, 2021 to July 4, 2022. *The vulnerability test was researched for all of the data for this duration. ●Categories that were accessible Name, DOB, gender, address, checkup results ●Possibility of secondary damage There has been no unauthorized usage confirmed so far. 2.Notification to the web system users We have contacted all clients whose personal information might have been accessed. 3.Reaction On July 4th when the vulnerability

[For those who take medical checkups] Medical Checkups after COVID-19 Vaccination

・Please wait 1 week after the vaccination for your checkup. ・If you have cold like symptoms such as fever. Please wait 7 days from when the symptoms disappear, since it will be difficult to tell whether the cause of the symptoms was the vaccination or not. You will be able to visit the clinic from day 8.

Discontinuation sending hard copy of medical questionnaire and examinations results by postal mail from fiscal year 2022.

Starting April, 2022, the health screening medical questionnaire and examination results will be available online only, therefore no hard copies will be posted (excluding some companies and some examination items). You will have access to view your examination results online. If you prefer a hardcopy you may print it as a PDF from your web page. For those in need of a hardcopy sent by postal mail, we will send for a fee. Please ask at reception or contact us from the "Inquiries" form on our website. Thank you for your cooperation. Inquiries Tokyo Midtown Clinic TEL.03-5413-0081 [weekdays 9: 00 ~ 17: 00] >>The inquiry form is here.

【Announcement】Medical expenses revision will be applied from April 1st, 2022

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.Medical expenses revision has been enforced by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and the revised amount will be applied starting from April 1st, 2022. Please be aware that the new amount may change from previous expenses even if the medical service is unchanged.We ask for your understanding and cooperation. Please see below for details on the revision of medical fees. Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare website "2022 Revision of medical fees"

[Important] Suspension of "Pulmonary function test (respiratory function test)"

To prevent the spread of COVID-19 at our clinic, the clinic has been suspending all respiratory function tests since April 6th, 2020 in which we will continue through fiscal year 2022.

Announcement of the start of appointments for health screening / medical checkup fiscal year 2022

[2022(fiscal year) Health Insurance Union Subsidy Course] ■Reservation for checkups and health screenings subsidized by the health insurance association Starting Thursday, February 17th 9 a.m. ■Kyokai Kenpo (Japan Health Insurance Association) reservation Starting Tuesday, March 1st 9 a.m. Reservations and Inquiries Telephone : weekdays 9: 00 ~ 17: 00 Roppongi: Tokyo Midtown Clinic Tel. 03-5413-0081 Nihonbashi: Nihonbashi Muromachi Mitsui Tower Midtown Clinic Tel. 03-3231-2068 The inquiry form for both Roppongi and Nihonbashi is here. .mB30 { margin-bottom: 30px!important; }

[Important] Suspension of "Specialized course (colon dock)"

From a medical point of view, people with symptoms are given priority to have a colonoscopy, and we are fully booked for the time being. Based on the above situation, the reservation of the Specialized course (colon dock) has been suspended. Resumption schedule is undecided. As soon as we decide to resume the reservation, we will let you know on this website. We apologize for the inconvenience.Thank you for your understanding.

Year-end and New Year Holidays

【Outpatient】 *Priority will be given to patients with appointments. Closed during December 30, 2021 (Thu) - Jan 4, 2022(Tue) About appointment 【Health Screening Center】 *Please make an appointment in advance. Closed during December 30, 2021 (Thu) - Jan 4, 2022(Tue). About appointment 【Annual Checkup Center】 *Please make an appointment in advance. Closed during December 30, 2021 (Thu) - Jan 4, 2022(Tue) About appointment 【Call Center】 Closed during December 30, 2021 (Thu) - Jan 4, 2022(Tue) 【Others】 ■ The Health Screening Center for Executive ■ Tokyo Midtown Aesthetic Clinic Noage ■ Tokyo Midtown Dental Clinic

[For those who have Kanto IT software health insurance]
Notice of online reservation for health checkup.

Starting from Thursday, July 1, those who have Kanto IT software health insurance can make health checkup appointments online. You can make a reservation around the clock. Please take advantage of the web reservation. ※We will be adding other health insurance associations that online reservation will be available. ▼Those who have Kanto IT software Health Insurance association, please make a reservation from the following. Book online>>

Announcement of the start of appointments for health screening / medical checkup fiscal year 2021

[2021(fiscal year) Original Comprehensive Health Screening Course] (*You cannot use the support of the health insurance association.) Reservations are accepted from Wednesday, February 10th at 9 a.m. Please contact us by phone or reservation form. (The reservation form is here.) [2021(fiscal year) Health Insurance Union Subsidy Course] ◆Reservation for checkups and health screenings subsidized by the health insurance association Starting Wednesday, February 24th 9 a.m. ◆Kyokai Kenpo (Japan Health Insurance Association) reservation Starting Monday, March 1st 9 a.m. Reservations and Inquiries Telephone : weekdays 9: 00 ~ 17: 00 Roppongi: Tokyo Midtown Clinic Tel. 03-5413-0081 Nihonbashi: Nihonbashi Muromachi Mitsui Tower Midtown Clinic Tel. 03-3231-2068 The inquiry form for both Roppongi and Nihonbashi is here. .mB30 { margin-bottom: 30px!important; }

12/14-12/16 Information & Request on JCI Examination

Please be informed that JCI (Joint Commission International) accreditation by remote system will be conducted from December 14 (Mon.) to December 16 (Wed.) , 2020. Surveyor will not observe your consultation / check-up without your permission.However, there may be the case our doctors, nurses, or medical staffs ask you for simple questions or interviews due to this examination. Your understanding and cooperation is highly appreciated. *The review date is shortened from the previous date we mentioned before.

Information on the Seasonal Influenza vaccine 2020

This season (OCT 2020 - MAR 2021)'s influenza vaccine will be starting. >>2020/10/9 The availability of influenza vaccine--> We are accepting reservations for seasonal influenza vaccine from September 23rd. Influenza vaccination prevents influenza infection and relieves symptoms. Since it is likely that the influenza viruses and the virus that causes COVID-19 will both be spreading this winter, getting the influenza vaccine is recommended for prevention. The reservation must be reserved on the internet. Please reserve from our clinic's website. INTERNET RESERVATION LINK> 【Price: voluntary vaccination】(Not covered by Japanese health insurance・Tax included) ・Visitor ¥4,950 ・Midtown office worker ¥4,400 【This year's vaccine strain・4 strains】 Type A:A/Guangdong-Maonan/SWL1536/2019 (CNIC-1909)(H1N1) A/Hong Kong/2671/2019 (NIB-121)(H3N2) Type B:B/Phuket/3073/2013(Yamagata lineage) B/Victoria/705/2018(BVR-11)(Victoria lineage) 【Vaccine Target Age】 Basically, you must be over 16 years old to visit our clinic(It is recommended to have the guardian accompany 16-19 old patients). 【CAUTION】 ・Please understand that the vaccine might have shortage due to the manufacture's circumstances or epidemic status the vaccine. ・Please contact our clinic if you have any other questions. 【Contacting the General Outpatient Clinic】 Tokyo Midtown Clinic Outpatient Clinic TEL.03-5413-0080 (MON~FRI 09:00~12:30, 14:00~17:30) <Contact for Group Vaccination> To person in charge for company reservation You may make a group reservation at the


Examination Schedule


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Please be informed that information in "news & topics" is as of the release date and it can be invalid in current service.