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We accept cash and credit cards. (A lump-sum payment only)

Gift certificates or coupons are NOT acceptable.

Tokyo Midtown Clinic

On the 6th floor of the medical center, there is an outpatient, Executive health screening center, health check-up center, dental clinic, aesthetic clinic and healthcare shop.

Comprehensive Health Screening and Annual Checkups


Reservations can be made by telephone and online.

Comprehensive Health Screening (Self Payment Price List) : (PDF:144KB)
Annual Checkup (Self Payment Price List) : (PDF:117KB)

The menus for the health checkup courses covered by your Japanese health insurance association are not viewable on our homepage.
Please contact your health insurance association or our Call Center.
(Checkup Call Center 03-5413-0081 / Operating Time: MON-FRI: 9:00-17:00)
We recommend you to make the reservation well in advance if you have a particular date in time, since some days get fully booked more than a couple of months ahead. Also, some health insurance companies require application in advance so it is better to have extra time for the reservation.
(Checkup Call Center 03-5413-0081 / Operating Time: MON-FRI: 9:00-17:00)
You may select an annual checkup or health screening course not supported by the health insurance union. Please provide an alternative identification other than the insurance card to the receptionist upon your visit.
You must consult with us beforehand concerning the necessary examination items, deadline for results and necessary documents.
Please understand that we may not be able to handle in some cases.
(Checkup Call Center 03-5413-0081 / Operating Time: MON-FRI: 9:00-17:00)
Please let us know when you make the reservation and send us the necessary forms by e-mail or fax. We will notify you if we can provide the service and the pricing for documentation. Please beware that if you do not let us know beforehand, we will not be able to fill out the forms upon your visit.
(Checkup Call Center 03-5413-0081 / Operating Time: MON-FRI: 9:00-17:00)


Midtown Original Screening・・・4~5 hours
Comprehensive Health Screening (Standard) ・・・3 hours
Life-style related Diseases Prevention Medical checkup A or B・・・1~2 hours
Periodic Checkup・・・1 hour
※The above time is an estimate. Please beware that if you take an optional examination or on busy days the examination time might take longer.
Upper GI endoscopy (gastroscopy):
You may select oral or nasal. The nasal endoscopy has the merit of being able to talk with the physician since the endoscopy is inserted through your nose not your mouth. Although, since the oral endoscopy’s camera has a higher resolution we recommend patients with pylori infection or those who have had pylori infection and who are at a high risk age of cancer (40~50 years and older) or those who prefer a higher resolution.

※If you have had a bad experience with oral endoscopy without sedation, you may have the examination with less pain by having sedation (price: 5,500 yen ). Please inform us beforehand (upon reservation).

【It is essential to read this if you prefer to have sedation】
・If you have been diagnosed with glaucoma or under examination, please consult with your ophthalmologist concerning the sedation (there is a possibility of aggravation with the use of sedation).
・You must not drive an automobile, motorcycle or bicycle after sedation.
After the procedure you are required to stay for about an hour at the recovery area.

Upper GI x-ray test (fluoroscopy of the stomach, Barium):
You swallow barium (contrast media) to examine the esophagus, stomach and duodenum.
The endoscopies at our clinic are saturated/ sterilized according the guideline of the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society. Also, the instruments are sterilized per patient, so there is no threat of infection. You may take a safe examination.
Examine the presence of a nodule (lump), distortion and calcification of the mammary gland. X-ray imaging of breasts, putting breasts on imaging platform and pressing by the compression plate. It is taken from two directions; vertically and laterally. You might experience some pain but the intensity may vary across individuals. Note: Recommended for women over 40 years old. We recommend Breast ultrasound rather than Mammography for women in their 20s and 30s.

Breast Ultrasound:
Examine the presence of a lump, its size and nature. Imaging study of breasts using ultrasound. Lying on the examination table, gel is applied on your breasts (bilateral), and we observe by sliding the probe. Note: It is suitable for all ages.
The gynecologists at the Annual Checkup and Comprehensive Health Screening Center are female.
The General Health Screening Center does not have a Ladies' Day, but offers a Ladies' Hour* exclusively for female customers.
All of the internal, breast and gynecological examinations are conducted by female physicians and specialists.Please understand that part of the endoscopy (gastroscopy) and upper GI x-ray test are conducted by male physicians and radiologists.Note: Male staff may enter the area in emergency situations such as outpatient clinic patients requiring examinations.
*Ladies' Hour at the Dock Center is every Wednesday morning (8:00-12:00).
However, after 12:30, you may share the waiting area, etc. with male patients who will be examined from 13:00.
Ladies' Hour at the Health Screening Center is the afternoon (13:30-17:00) of the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month.
In order for the patient to be able to have the blood examination with a safe and relaxing atmosphere, you will have the blood draw while you lie down in a bed.
Please inform the call center staff upon your reservation (please feel free to tell the nurse on the examination day).


Please do not forget to inform us upon reservation.
(Checkup Call Center 03-5413-0081 / Operating Time: MON-FRI: 9:00-17:00)

【Examinations during your period】
Do not collect urine or stool samples. Please wait until your period is over and bring with you at a later date.You are unable to take an Endometrial cytology or a vaginal culture. We will assist you with a separate appointment.You are able to take a pap smear, transvaginal ultrasound or HPV(Human papillomavirus). Having used the high-accuracy method, LBC, those tests are not affected by blood with pathological diagnosis.

【Examinations during lactation】
You will not be able to take the mammography. You may take the ultrasound (echo), but there is a possibility that the examination result will be less accurate during or right after lactation. If you are receiving sedation to sleep during the endoscopy examination (Upper GI endoscopy or Colonoscopy), it is required to refrain from lactating for 12 to 15 hours after the injection, so if necessary please express your milk in advance.

【Examinations during pregnancy】
You may not have chest x-ray, upper GI x-ray (barium), mammography, CT, Bone density measurement and other radiological examinations which have radiation exposure; endoscopy (Upper GI endoscopy, colonoscopy); MRI/MRA; gynecological examinations. Also, beware that blood tests during pregnancy will sometimes show out of the range results even when there is no abnormality.
There are dietary restrictions for upper GI x-ray (barium), upper GI endoscopy, abdominal ultrasound, upper abdominal CT, blood tests. Please contact us for further information or read the ‘Precautions for Examinations’ which will be mailed prior to the checkup.
【Patients with Pacemakers】
MRI/MRA, CT, mammography examinations are not allowed. Please inform us upon reservation.

【Dialysis Treatment】
Upper GI x-ray (barium) is not allowed. Barium has a risk of difficulty to defecate for patients with water restrictions. Please do not forget to inform upon reservation.

【High Blood Pressure】
The physician might decide to omit pulmonary function test (vital capacity), Upper GI examinations (barium, endoscopy) for patients with high blood pressure.
The MRI is not open type so you may feel cooped-up. Please inform upon reservation if you are worried.

Prior Info and Results of the Checkup

We mail it so that it will arrive 1 week to 10 days prior to your reservation. If by any chance it does not arrive please contact us. Please beware that the kit is not re-sent upon rescheduling unless you make a request.
(Checkup Call Center 03-5413-0081 / Operating Time: MON-FRI: 9:00-17:00)
English report is available with an additional fee of 3,300 yen.
*We will provide the English report for free to patients whose first language is not Japanese.
(Checkup Call Center 03-5413-0081 / Operating Time: MON-FRI: 9:00-17:00)
Unfortunately, we do not ship the kits overseas. Please provide us with a local shipping address where the delivery of the kit can be guaranteed (e.g., your home address).
If you wish to have the kit delivered to your hotel, please be sure to provide us with your check-in date.
(Checkup Call Center 03-5413-0081 / Operating Time: MON-FRI: 9:00-17:00)


You may make payment by cash or one of the following credit cards:

※Gift certificate and coupons are not accepted.
※Payments must be made in full (lump-sum).
If you need a separate receipt please inform us upon reservation.
Reprints are not available but "Payment Certificate" can be issued during business hours at heath screening center. It costs 1,080 per each. Please contact us beforehand concerning opening hours.
(Checkup Call Center 03-5413-0081 Operating Time: MON to FRI 9:00-17:00)
A. This is possible if you consult with us. Please contact us if you are interested.
(Checkup Call Center 03-5413-0081 / Operating Time: MON-FRI: 9:00-17:00)

Post Examination

Please drink sufficient amount of water. If you feel that you need more laxative, please feel free to purchase over the counter medicine at your local drug store. If you experience the following symptoms for duration, please visit your local doctor or our Outpatient Clinic.
・Not able to defecate the barium for more than 3 days.
・Continuous abdominal pain
・Continuous vomiting
(Checkup Call Center 03-5413-0081 / Operating Time: MON-FRI: 9:00-17:00)
If the symptom continues you will be examined at our Outpatient Clinic. Please first consult with our Call Center.
(Checkup Call Center 03-5413-0081 / Operating Time: MON-FRI: 9:00-17:00)
It is not unusual to have a small amount of bleeding due to scratching for the examination but if the symptom continues please consult with our Call Center.
(Checkup Call Center 03-5413-0081 / Operating Time: MON-FRI: 9:00-17:00)
If you only take the basic physical you may go back to your daily life immediately. If you take the Upper GI endoscopy (gastroscopy), you should avoid meals for 30 minutes~1 hour. Please ask for details upon reservation or prior to the examination.


Due to safety problems we do not allow them but if the child is 7 years and over, please consult with us beforehand.
We are not affiliated and not allowed to issue parking coupons.
Health insurance card, passport, driver’s license, basic resident register card (employee ID card or student ID card are not acceptable).
Due to safety reasons we do not accept consultation in the company with interpreters.


There is no risk to develop cancer or leukemia if the exposure to radiation is under 100mSv according to the International Commission of Radiation Protection (ICRP)'s counsel.

The health screening tests levels conducted at Tokyo Midtown Clinic
are thought to be a health concern since the figures are Chest X-ray (0.04mSv or less), Chest CT (10mSv or less), Abdomen CT (10mSv or less), Visceral Fat CT (0.5mSv or less), Upper gastro-Intestinal tract radiographic examination (0.6mSv or less) which comes to less than 100mSv even when all tests are summed up.
※These figures will be smaller for people with a slender figure.
Some sources state that the risk of cancer increases by frequent use of the CT, but the CT has a capability to do a detailed test without a preliminary treatment in which results in reducing the patient's burden. As a result, there is merit of detecting lung and other cancers at an early stage.
As for the upper abdomen, the patients have a choice between Upper gastrointestinal tract radiographic examination or the more precise endoscopy.
The MRI/MRA is recommended for examination of the head and the MRI is also recommended for the follow-up to the abdominal ultrasound test.
There is no radioactivity generated by the MRI, ultrasound or endoscopy. We also do not use the contrast for CT for normal examinations.
Blood draw markers are being developed for non-invasive early detection of cancer


Examination Schedule


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Please be informed that information in "news & topics" is as of the release date and it can be invalid in current service.